What is Good Health?
Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “uneven condition of the body’s ability to attain and maintain optimal health.” Different forms of health encompass a broad spectrum from total health to minor conditions that only affect a specified area of the body or are otherwise known as a minor medical condition. Total health is often used to mean the totality of the body’s health while minor conditions are used to mean any part of the body that might be affected by disease or injury. A wide variety of definitions have also been used over the years for various purposes.
In order for one to lead a healthy and fulfilling life, it is important to adopt a comprehensive approach to well-being that encompasses diet, exercise, stress management, and other preventative measures. Adopting a holistic approach to health allows individuals to work on improving their emotional, physical and mental health while also addressing specific diseases or conditions that might affect their well-being. Holistic health has become widely accepted as an important component of an individual’s well-being. A comprehensive approach to wellness promotes wellness through a combination of preventative measures and disease management.
A good health is a combination of genetic factors, good nutrition, regular physical activity, and the social environments that people find themselves in. Environmental factors include exposure to harmful substances, such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, ultraviolet radiation, lead acidity, and household chemicals, as well as natural shocks or accidents that can affect a person’s health, causing illness or disease. These causes of illness and disease often mirror ones which humans experience at one time or another. In addition to genetics, external environmental factors such as stress, alcohol, drugs, and obesity can affect one’s well-being, contributing to a sense of distress or even disorientation.