A school is an educational establishment designed to offer learning environments and learning opportunities for the education of students under the guidance of qualified teachers. Most developed countries now have systems of public education, which in some cases are mandatory. In such systems, students initially progress through a structured system of primary or secondary schools, from where they gain entry into tertiary or higher schools. While most children go on to become university students, a small number continue their education at secondary school or even college.
Some countries have developed independent schools, which are run and managed by parents and concerned groups of parents and teachers. These schools provide the best possible start in learning, with state of the art instructional methods, personalized teaching and other special features that set them apart from mainstream private schools. Special schools for particular subjects, such as art, commerce, education, etc., provide the best possible instructional environment for a limited number of children. Other special schools, such as those that educate mentally retarded or handicapped youngsters, focus on special needs and teach different types of learning activities.
Most schools follow a specific calendar, with each school day divided into periods of instruction. The school day begins with morning assemblies, during which the school year program is discussed. This period is also filled with in-depth discussions about current events and what is expected for the forthcoming year. The school day concludes with afternoon sessions, during which the school year books are read and reviewed. Summer vacations and excursions are also a common feature during the school year. While all the teachers and students work together to achieve a common goal, the structure of the curriculum remains the same.