The Importance of Defining Health

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition of full physical, emotional and social well being and not simply the absence of sickness and disease. A wide variety of definitions are used over the years for health-related issues. What someone believes to be health may actually be defined by another as poor health, although the two terms often are used interchangeably. The goal of a healthy lifestyle is to have good overall health.

To achieve a sense of well being, it’s important to know what’s healthy for you. One way to do this is through self-examining, where you examine your habits, eating habits, and work-life balance. Self-examsare a good way to determine whether you’re getting the nutrients you need or if you’re suffering from any illness that would interfere with achieving good health. Other self-help programs focusing on healthful behaviors focus on maintaining a balanced work-life, setting and meeting goals, and reducing stress. In addition to self-exams, other new ways of looking after health include adopting a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, getting sleep, and getting a sufficient amount of water. These actions may seem difficult or boring to begin with, but the results are permanent and allow you to feel better about yourself.

As outlined in the previous article, illness defines health, and poor wellness defines illness. By taking a holistic approach to assessing your health, both illness and wellness can be improved. When wellness is the goal, it’s easier to make improvements in other areas such as your work-life balance, your diet, and your mental health. Improving your wellbeing allows you to more fully live your life and takes the definition of health seriously enough so that you can actively make changes in other areas as well.