Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition of “good health with all the attendant qualities of health.” Different definitions have been used over the years for various purposes. In some cases, the word “quality” is used in place of “health.” However, it should be noted that the word quality is usually used in a broader sense, encompassing an array of concepts which include the presence of illness, the absence of illness, and the ability to lead a normal life, despite adversity. It also includes the ability to attain and maintain good health.
In the United States, the definition of health has been largely defined by the National Health Service (NHS). According to the NHS, a health condition is a “condition of the body caused by a disease or injury that affects the body’s organs, tissues, cells, and the activities of the person.” The condition may be partial or complete, with corresponding terms. Abnormal physical condition, infection, and mental or emotional disorder are examples of diseases. Serious illnesses like cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and infectious diseases like influenza are examples of conditions.
A major part of the National Health Service’s definition of health policy is described as the prevention of diseases and impairment that can be the source of death. Because of this, all health policies aim to reduce the death rate from various diseases. In addition, health policies also strive to prevent deaths from avoidable diseases. For example, vaccines are often viewed as tools for preventing deaths from measles, mumps, and chicken pox. However, these are not considered deaths from diseases, since the body can heal these diseases naturally over time.